Saturday, September 17, 2011

The family I plan to paint well.... but will end up being painted mediocre.

Just a quickie, I wanted to leave a photo of my brother and sister, both of which I'm doing separate pieces for. Each includes a picture of their 'other' and lacks originality, in my opinion. They live in England and are coming on holiday so I'm keeping the size down to 8x10 so they can travel back minus the extra weight charges. Her name is Donna and his name is Mario and I haven't seen them in years, about 7 to be exact.

 Sound like an easy project? Not when I'm behind the wheel. I have to make it into a big to-do like I'm working on the Sistine or something.... but no matter how annoyed I get the outcome pleases me (knock on wood) so it's something I always look forward to. Expect to see their cartoon versions by the next post just like I'm expecting to be less frustrated when I'm done creating that Facebook fan page for myself.

When I'm done with this I'll finish the Mona Lisa, or Mona Shaira as I've been calling it in my head since her name is Shaira. This is the great mom we know and the woman with more kids than we can keep track of, literally. I would tell you more about the kidnapped one but it's not really my story to tell.

The Mona Lisa is a project my mom asked me for over a year ago so I feel if I'm to see her in the next couple weeks when she's down on vacation it'd be a good start to getting that 17 foot scarf knitted that I know she'll do so well; even though she insists I'm crazy. Was the Doctor crazy? Well, maybe... but that doesn't make his scarf any less awesome.

I'm also working on a painting for another sister, of her with our dad who's gone now almost 6 years ago. It's odd how when someone dies they don't really. As long as you remember them it's like they're still here, just without a cell phone or mailing address.

Or voice. I guess the bright side to that is they don't have bills either. Who wouldn't die for that chance?

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